Dear Customer,

You may have landed on this page from a GOOGLE search because Google remembers page names for quite a while and this page name was duplicated on our site for some time after we changed our Internet Service Supplier (ISP). We are now using the page to explain how we go about our card supply business.

If you click on the button below it will take you directly to our standard clock card page cataloguing the most popular cards users tend to seek.

The prices shown on our web pages are really for small orders of up to 1,000 cards contained in a single box. These prices are to some extent dictated by our minimum margin requirements needed to process any order which is less crude than a minimum invoice charge and relates to our costs of servicing any order.

In some cases cards are offered at lower quantities that are suitable for smaller customers these details are shown on the individual page for each illustrated card and may be reached by clicking on the picture of any card that interests you.

For customers with a larger quantity requirement we can offer discounts for multiple boxes of 1,000 cards which will show significant reductions of price because our minimum margin targets will have been achieved on these, otherwise, low cost items.

The lowest priced offers are usually for 5,000 cards or more because we can ship 5,000 multiples of cards an a carton basis where five boxes are contained in one carton. This also reduces the shipping costs as our printer will ship directly to you on our behalf and they get much reduced delivery costs due to their greater volume of business printing all sorts of documents.

You can contact us by telephone or e-mail to obtain a quotation for larger order requirements. Normally we send you a confirmation pro-forma invoice attachment to an e-mail reply together with a link to a private orders web page where payment can be executed by credit card or PayPal transfer. If your preference is to pay by BACS or cheque then we are quite happy to accept these form of settlement.

To e-mail click on this button or telephone 01844 358220